Multidimensional experience
in Sports, Relationships, and LGBT
Brad Zucker has had many professional and personal experiences that allow him to be uniquely qualified to assist you with issues such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, relationships, sexual orientation, and sports performance (specifically tennis). Click For Highlights
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Some of our Therapies
Some athletes seek help from a sport psychologist or other exercise and sport psychology professional when they have a problem. They might become anxious or lose focus during competition, for example.
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People in relationship seek counseling for several reasons, from power struggles and communication problems , to sexual dysfunction and accusations of cheating . Though counseling is recommended...
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LGBT people enter therapy for help with the same clinical and life issues that heterosexuals do – anxiety disorders, depression, grief, relationship difficulties, work dissatisfaction, etc.
Testimonial 1
I have suffered abuse in my life, and found myself in another extremely unhealthy relationship. Brad was highly recommended to me by a friend, When I met him, I felt better immediately. I’ve been seeing Brad for over a year, first in person, and more recently via phone sessions. He has a kind and gentle way of being. I know that he is listening to me and I am so grateful that I can speak to him regularly. I look forward to our sessions. Even though therapy can be painful, I feel happy after we speak. I came through a very dark period of my life, and with his help I am getting better.
- Linda
Testimonial 2
When it comes to treating my family of six, he meets us with humor, grace and understanding. Brad offers solutions from the heart and is willing to reach out from several different angles until he has found the one that speaks to us individually so we all understand. I’m so very happy that we found Brad because it is so very difficult to find a therapist that gels with the entire family from seven to thirty-eight.
- Kathryn
Testimonial 3
Two words most accurately describe my personal experience with my therapist: paradigm shift. My entire life and the way I view it has completely changed as a result of my time with him. As set in my ways as I am, that is pretty amazing. I walked into therapy with one doubt, one little question about my identity. That one question was driving me to my knees. I should actually say that I crawled into therapy, because that is what I was doing. I was crawling, grinding my way through everything, and I came to realize that I had been doing that my entire life without knowing it. That original question seems insignificant today in comparison to the other more pressing discoveries I made as I searched for an answer. Brad gently and assertively guided me through the darkest pathways of my mind, shedding light on things that had been slowly eating away at my spirit. He helped me remove blocks that were keeping me from living fully. Brad’s gift is that he knows exactly what to say and when to say it. He remembers every single thing I ever say. How the man can retain so much information about me amazes me. For an hour a week, I am the most important person in the world. Yet, one word, one simple question or one certain look from him will let me know whether I may need to dig deeper, or if I’m bluffing, rationalizing, or on the right track. His approach has not only helped me discover vital things about myself but also to think for myself in a completely new way. Brad has made me aware of my emotions and behavior patterns. He has helped me become aware of feelings I never even knew I had. Slowly and steadily, I am becoming aware of the obstacles that were blocking my ability to feel in certain ways. I am able to trust more and fear less. I’m excited to continue on this journey of self-discovery. Each therapy session has fostered in me a sense of self trust that I am eager to explore. For as long as he is a therapist, I will most likely be his client.
- Emma
Testimonial 4
Brad Zucker proved to be the perfect therapist. From the first session, he queried my history, my family, personal and work relationships, and began to find “patterns” which I had never before seen or accepted. He was persistent, not letting me duck or dodge hurtful truths in my life, the ones that brought forth tears from recalling old and long-submerged hurts in my life. Always caring. Always optimistic. Always pursuing. He was always reflective in ways that brought new insights into my emotional life and reopened my living comfortably and growing after the trauma of the breakup. In six sessions, I felt whole again, And I now know Brad the therapist who, in the event I ever “hit the wall” again, I know I will call, sooner, not later. Others would be well served to seek his services, as I will.
- Tom
Testimonial 5
Brad was highly recommended to me by a good friend who was worried about my personal being. I was very skeptical regarding therapy, however thought I would give it a try. The best decision I ever made, and I have been seeing Brad for 3 1/2 years. He is so easy to talk with, and I know he really cares about what I have to say and offers sincere input. I look forward to seeing Brad every week, knowing I will leave with more understanding, confidence and hope.
- Ali